The Tongass is the Nation’s largest national forest and supplies habitat for the fisheries and ample
recreation opportunities in the Southeast Alaska region. When you imagine yourself on a remote
fishing or hunting trip, a wild landscape where large trout, wild salmon and steelhead and big game
are plentiful, or breathtaking scenery where you can get away from it all, the odds are good you’re
thinking of a roadless area in the Tongass National Forest.
From the Situk River in the north to Prince of Wales Island in the south, the Tongass provides
hunters, anglers and outdoor recreationists some of the best and most diverse outdoor
opportunities available in North America.
Taking care of the land that takes care of Southeast Alaska businesses is just common sense.
Today, along with more than 60 outfitters and guides, tour operators, gear manufacturers and
retailers, sportsmen organizations, and conservation groups, we spoke up with this message.
We are very appreciative to join the following letter calling on the U.S. Forest Service to maintain
the protections for the Tongass National Forest by reinstating the national Roadless Rule on
America’s largest national forest, the Tongass.
Fisheries, recreation and tourism support 26% of jobs in Southeast Alaska. These business
supporters want to continue to grow this number and recognize that healthy fisheries and intact
habitat are needed to do so.
“The Tongass is world-renowned for its abundant salmon and steelhead, plentiful wildlife, and
outstanding scenic beauty. It is among the world’s richest wild salmon-producing regions,
contributing approximately 50 million fish annually to Alaska’s multi-billion-dollar commercial
salmon industry,” said more than 60 businesses who signed onto the letter.
We are happy to speak up for the Tongass and encourage everyone to follow their lead and
submit a comment supporting continued protections on wildlife and recreation habitat in
Southeast Alaska. To learn more, visit AmericanSalmonForest.org