Bull trout (dolly) fly fishing fun – Fish Porn

Winter is such a fun time to get out on the river and chase bull trout (dolly varden) and steelhead. With massive amounts of spawning, dead and dying salmon in the rivers anything resembling an egg will get slammed by the hyper aggressive and hungry bull trout, cutts, rainbows, and steelhead in the river. Our favorite way to fish this is stripping and swinging flies through likely looking holding spots – behind spawning salmon, little hiding holes, etc.

Strip, strip, strip, WHAM!

beautiful colors on late fall bull trout

bull trout snout fly fishing
Big bull trout fly fishing


Fish Porn – Searun Cutthroat fly fishing

Searun Cutthroat fly fishing DRYFT

“Holy %$# that’s a seal!”  Moments after hooking up, this large searun cutthroat shot across the surface of the water, a large spotted bogy hot on its tail.  All thoughts of landing the fish gone, I stripped line off my reel to slack line and give the fish a chance at freedom from becoming a seals lunch. My plan worked, and minutes later the fish was cradled in my catch and release salmon net.  That was a narrow escape.   -Nick

Searun Cutthroat fly fishing DRYFT

5 reasons small stream trout are kickass

fighting the fight small-stream-rainbow-trout-fly-fishing
fighting the fight small-stream-rainbow-trout-fly-fishing
  1. They fight hard, especially on light gear. Think 2-3 wt fly rods, and ultralight spinning rods for the non-fly fishing inclined.
  2. They are wild, and more often than not they are native fish to the area that truly display the pure natural fight and beauty of the area like only they can. In this day and age, we don’t always have the opportunity to fish for and catch truly native fish.
  3. They are super aggressive and take dry flies with reckless abandon. Get it in the ballpark, and often times they’ll eat. Bushy terrestrials and attractor patterns are the name of the game.
  4. They live in awesome areas. There’s not much better than wet wading small streams in the summer.
  5. Fishing for them is simple. It doesn’t require complex rigging, fancy flies, extensive amounts of gear or anything. We love fishing for steelhead, the thrill of that big pull, but sometimes catching a sh*t ton of small stream trout can easily satisfy the cravings for fish catching that we all get from time-to-time.
Marmot polar bear substitute
Mr. Marmot, aka polar bear substitute.
Another reason that didn’t quite make the list is that if you’re fishing alpine streams, you might get the chance to see wildlife that’s a lot different that what we’re used to down in the valley’s and lowlands. Take the furry bag of fly tying materials pictured here. Look like a good polar bear substitute to anyone else?
Why do you like small stream trout?  Leave a comment and let us know.