Fly fishing for musky: long hours of repetitive movements followed by brief intense action followed by jubliation or soul crushing disappointment. These fish are hard to catch but so worth the effort.
Fly fishing for tiger musky in Washington state

Fly fishing for musky: long hours of repetitive movements followed by brief intense action followed by jubliation or soul crushing disappointment. These fish are hard to catch but so worth the effort.
With huge areas of eastern Washington burning, smoke and ash piled up on us as we continued to cast and cast and cast in the search of a solid tug.
It happened.
More than once.
Not all were huge
Musky Dave
We’ve said it before, but whether you’re an experienced musky chaser, or are over your 10,000 casts without a fish it would never be a bad idea to get in touch with Musky Dave of Warmwater Rambler guide service. He will put you on fish.
Ash on the tents
Musky Dave
Northstar plume
The glow from Stickpin
Back on the westside – just had to stop off for a quick dolly.
*One size fits most. Flies not included.
Musky fishing agenda, Step 1: learn how to cast the size huge flies needed to successfully catch a musky. Outcome: Fail.
Step 2: After paying the price in blood, this low 30″ fish came out to play. Small for a musky, but still a big mean looking fish. Keep your hands away from those jaws. Outcome: Great Success! Big thanks to the Warmwater Rambler guide service for putting us on the fish.
Step 3: Lose a monsterous beast with a gaping maw like an alligator. This is what the angler and the guide look like after losing a possibly 50″ fish. How was it lost? The beast bit straight through 80 pound flourocarbon. Sounds hard to believe, but it happened.
Step 4: Finally figure out how to cast without hooking your friend.
Step 5: On day 2, get on the water at 5:30am and touch nary a fish all day. That’s Musky fishing. Musky fishing is hard. There is no other way to put it. And now we see how the addiction begins – always looking for that bigger, better fish.