Some pleasant bycatch while out chasing Searun Cutties.

Sometimes the bycatch is just as much fun as the target.
Some pleasant bycatch while out chasing Searun Cutties.
Sometimes the bycatch is just as much fun as the target.
Musky fishing agenda, Step 1: learn how to cast the size huge flies needed to successfully catch a musky. Outcome: Fail.
Step 2: After paying the price in blood, this low 30″ fish came out to play. Small for a musky, but still a big mean looking fish. Keep your hands away from those jaws. Outcome: Great Success! Big thanks to the Warmwater Rambler guide service for putting us on the fish.
Step 3: Lose a monsterous beast with a gaping maw like an alligator. This is what the angler and the guide look like after losing a possibly 50″ fish. How was it lost? The beast bit straight through 80 pound flourocarbon. Sounds hard to believe, but it happened.
Step 4: Finally figure out how to cast without hooking your friend.
Step 5: On day 2, get on the water at 5:30am and touch nary a fish all day. That’s Musky fishing. Musky fishing is hard. There is no other way to put it. And now we see how the addiction begins – always looking for that bigger, better fish.
First place winnings from the DRYFT Waders Instagram #DRYFTculture contest go to @Rolski_ for his pretty steelface photo.
Runner up goes to @clarissa1639 for her nice ‘humpy season’ submission. Fishing, beer, and bikinis. You can’t really go wrong with that combination.
Follow us on Instagram for a steady stream of fish porn, for more upcoming contests and for other cool stuff. #DRYFTculture
As I was eagerly tearing into the newest issue of The Drake, the very first article has a great quote that I feel just about sums it up perfectly. From the “put-in” in the Spring issue of The Drake:
“It’s not only the week-long or even weekend trips that define a flyfishing (or fishing) lifestyle. It’s where you can go after work, when you only have an our until dark.”
So are you going today after work or this weekend for a few hours? The bull trout pictured here was caught while fishing for less than an hour after work a few weeks back.
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