BKCNTRY Beer Cooler

Not that you would, but you could. The fully waterproof BKCNTRY backpack is ready for all uses. #DRYFTculture

Bass Ambush [video] – You must be stealthy to ambush a bass

DRYFT Session Wading Pants – River to Town

DRYFT presents – GEARing up [video]

Filmed mostly in 2017, this short video highlights chasing hatchery and wild steelhead in the Pacific Northwest. This is GEARing up. #DRYFTculture

DRYFT in AK [video]

What’s #DRYFTinAK all about? For the past few years the DRYFT crew has been exploring some of the delights Alaska has to offer. In this video series we’ll share some of the highs and lows from those adventures. Welcome to episode 1.


Horror on the Kenai

Recently we heard rumors of some half man half wolf beast terrorizing fish with a fly rod up on the Kenai. We investigated and this is what we found…


Oh, the horror.


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Bunnies and bullies

When fall first hits, before the big rains, the rivers drop low and salmon move their way into the upper reaches. Bull trout follow, and so do we.


While getting ready to do the real business of the season, they certainly aren’t past cozying up behind spawning salmon and smacking a big bunny fly or egg sucking leech.





