Friday fishing photos

DRYFT waders

The DRYFT waders crew has been out hitting the rivers a few times since they opened a couple weeks ago on the first of June. Targeting summer steelhead, we’ve seen mostly resident rainbows and a few anadromous bull trout. This past week we got out and caught a pretty big incidental bull. Here are some photos.

DRYFT Waders S13 breathable waders
Face down…



DRYFT adrenaline waders fly fishingDRYFT waders


DRYFT waders beer holder
Perfect fit for a victory tallboy.


DRYFT Waders Grand Opening sale on now

dryft waders grand opening sale

dryft waders grand opening sale

DRYFT Fishing is officially announcing the release of the first line of technical wading products; The DRYFT S13 Waders that combine top performing features, incredible value and all new style.

The S13 waders come in two trims, the CHSR model and the Adrenaline model that has an additional graphic down the side.

Priced at just $199, DRYFT S13 Waders are an incredible value and can be purchased online on our website at

Now through May 31st use coupon code GRANDOPENING to get $20 off your order. The first 10 orders get a free hat or SST shirt of your choice*, plus we’ll ship your order to you for free. 

*Updated 5/18/13 – free t-shirts and hats promotion has now ended. $20 off and free shipping continues through May 31st.

*Please request size/color of Steelhead, Salmon, Trout, SST Committed t-shirt or hat in notes field when ordering.  Limited quantity items are subject to availability. Offer valid May 1st-May 31st 2013.


Shop now









Limited edition flat brim DRYFT hats back in stock

pile of DRYFT flat brim fishing hats

The limited edition flat brim flexfits sold out so fast that we ordered up a fresh batch. These sweet flat brim fishing hats are fresh in so get one while they last. Available now in the shop.

Only 22 bones and you get free shipping. >>

pile of DRYFT flat brim fishing hats

Photo selection: Bull trout, rain, and DRYFT Waders

bull trout close to hand

Conditions were less than optimal for fishing on Saturday. Freezing rain, wind, and waves made fishing a bit difficult to say the least. The use of a light switch rod made handling the wind better, but completely numb hands (nothing like forgetting the gloves at home) were really starting to get in the way of a fun time. Luckily, a few fish showed up to play so the adrenaline rush kept us out long enough to snap a few pics.

The first fish of the day.

Searun Bull Trout DRYFT Fishing

Wind and waves

Stormy day on the water fly fishing

Putting a bend in the 5wt Switch on a healthy bull trout.


DRYFT - Fish ON with a big bend in the 5 wt switch


DRYFT product testing


bull trout close to hand

DRYFT Waders and bull trout. A winning combination.


Bull trout fly fishing saltwater


DRYFT waders with bull trout

DRYFT waders with bull trout

What defines the fishing lifestyle?

Big bull trout fly fishing lifestyle

As I was eagerly tearing into the newest issue of The Drake, the very first article has a great quote that I feel just about sums it up perfectly.  From the “put-in” in the Spring issue of The Drake:

“It’s not only the week-long or even weekend trips that define a flyfishing (or fishing) lifestyle. It’s where you can go after work, when you only have an our until dark.”

So are you going today after work or this weekend for a few hours? The bull trout pictured here was caught while fishing for less than an hour after work a few weeks back.

Ongoing deals: Like us on Facebook and then use the code “fbfansget10″  to get 10% off all products. Still good through the end of the month! [fblike style=”standard” showfaces=”false” width=”450″ verb=”like” font=”arial”]

Big bull trout fly fishing lifestyle