Session Wading Pants

DRYFT Session wading pants front view

Introducing the Session wading pants.

Pre-ordering now for shipment in early June…just in time for summer. Check the deets.

dryft session wading pants


[button link=”” border=”#38c1eb”]Get it[/button]


Horror on the Kenai

Recently we heard rumors of some half man half wolf beast terrorizing fish with a fly rod up on the Kenai. We investigated and this is what we found…


Oh, the horror.


dsc_5618 dsc_5624

Bunnies and bullies

When fall first hits, before the big rains, the rivers drop low and salmon move their way into the upper reaches. Bull trout follow, and so do we.


While getting ready to do the real business of the season, they certainly aren’t past cozying up behind spawning salmon and smacking a big bunny fly or egg sucking leech.












Winding down

Spring steelhead DRYFT Primo

With a last hurrah spring steelhead is going out with a bang. We saw some great fish this winter and spring, but are looking forward to trout, bass, and other warmwater exploits soon.

Stay tuned for product updates soon, along with some new shirt and hat designs for summer.



Spring steelhead DRYFT Primo


Steelhead season

Winter steelhead season is in full swing in the PNW, and even though Puget Sound rivers are closed down across Washington state now the opportunities continue throughout the area. From BC to California, March and April hold promise for big hard fighting winter steelhead.

pacific northwest winter steelhead

Steelhead season has already been pretty good to us here. A few fish here and through spread thoughout a few fishless days (ok, quite a few fishless days) has been the norm.

We explored some new water.

small water

We swung flies. We fished float rods and spoons too.




We saw a few fish.

eye of the steelhead


We’re looking forward to a good rest of the season.

-Nick Satushek