Get your waders ready for spring with these cleaning and prep tips

Here are a few easy tips for prepping your waders for a busy spring and summer fishing season.

The days are getting longer, and seasons are kicking off. Time to get your gear prepped and ready. 

Apply a fresh DWR treatment to your waders and jackets. 

The DWR, or Durable Water Repellent coating, is what makes water bead up and run off your waders and jackets. This coating is what helps keep your technical garments breathable and keep you comfortable. When the coating wears down the outer face of your garment gets saturated with water and you’ll start to get the dreaded ‘wetting out’. This term simply refers to reduced breathability, so the wearer gets clammy and damp from sweat and condensation build-up.  Heading this off is as easy as picking up a bottle of ReviveX DWR spray and treating your waders and jackets. 

Tip: If your waders are really dirty, clean them first before applying the DWR treatment with some ReviveX Pro Cleaner

Check your belt 

Check that your belt is still with your waders.

We know, it sounds basic, but it’s better to check now than realize it’s not there when you go to put them on at the fishing spot. If your belt is missing get yourself a new one – it’s a safety item.

Clean and lubricate your zippers

We recommend cleaning and lubricating the zippers on waders and jackets on a regular basis.  Zipper Cleaner and Lubricant and Zipper Lubricant Stick from Gearaid do the job nicely and will help keep your zippers operating smoothly and performing like they should.  If your zipper is dirty, or isn’t running as smoothly as it once did then pick up one or both of the products mentioned here and fix it up. 

Clean out pockets

Are your pockets full of old gear, line trimmings, protein bar wrappers, etc? Go ahead and clean it out now and give yourself a fresh start to the season. 

Replace worn out gear

Is it time for a new jacket, new boots, new waders? As you go through checking your gear be real and fill in any gaps in your gear closet with replacements.

Why you should be maintaining the DWR coating on your fishing waders and jacket

What is DWR?
The waterproof breathable fabric used on waders and jackets helps to keep you comfortable by allowing warm air to escape outwards and breathe through the membrane, while simultaneously keeping water out.  The DWR coating is what makes water bead up and run off. You may have noticed that over time water will bead up less, and instead the outer layer may begin to soak up or saturate with water. This is often referred to as ‘wetting out’, which doesn’t mean the gear is leaking, but instead means the outer layer is saturated and inhibiting the inner membrane from breathing.  When this happens it can leave damp spots of condensation on the users under layers.

In order for air to pass through the outer layer of fabric there can’t be a saturated layer of water on the outer layer, which is where the DWR coating comes into play. If the outer layer is saturated, it essentially voids the ability of the membrane to do its job, and the warm air won’t be able to escape. This will make the user warmer, sweatier, and more likely to get that damp clammy feeling. 

The trick is to maintain the outer layer of fabric by keeping it clean and using a DWR reviver regularly so that water beads up and sheds off.  

We recommend cleaning and reviving the DWR coating on your waders and jackets regularly, usually 1-2 times per year is adequate (of course depending on use). We recommend Revivex by Gearaid as it uses a simple spray on and let dry method. Start by cleaning your waders or jacket with a simple scrub down or with Pro Cleaner, and then spray with Revivex Durable Water Repellent. Let it dry and you’ll be good to go. 

Then go have some happy and comfortable fishing!

Why are the strap buckles on chest waders opposing?

The front wader strap buckles are attached with opposite ends of the buckle to each side of the top on all DRYFT chest waders. Opposing buckles in this way makes it so that they can be clipped together, to make it possible to hang them from tent poles, racks or hanging rods without the use of a hook or hanger. It also helps the wearer find the right clip when pulling them over the shoulder. Another use that isn’t in the video, but was mentioned by a commenter is that the straps can be clipped together in front of the wearers neck, so that the front of the waders can be pulled down (for on river relief – talking to you men), and then the straps aren’t floating free and lost behind your back when it comes time to pull the front back up and buckle up.

Happy fishing!

Carrying a trout net with the BKCNTRY Fishing Backpack – This is how we do it.

Welcome to another Tips and Tricks video. In this video Nick shows how he carries his mid-length trout net while fishing with the BKCNTRY fishing backpack. In a previous video Jordan showed how he carries a long handle guide net, and this builds on that video by showing three additional ways to carry a net in an easy to reach position. Drop us a comment with questions or comments. Happy fishing!

Previous video where Jordan shows how he carries his long handle guide net in his DRYFT fishing backpack.

Easy fly change tip with Jordan

This is a neat tip from Jordan Young-Treadway @treadwatersfly on how to tame your Skagit head and sink tip while swapping a fly without reeling in any line at all. If you’re working through a run and want to make sure that you start again at the same distance, this trick lets you easily swap flies without reeling in your line. Without tying off to your rod like Jordan shows here your fly line will float away and tug on your tippet, making swapping flies more difficult. Happy fishing!

Carrying a long handle net with the BKCNTRY 25 Backpack

Here is Jordan Young-Treadway (@treadwatersfly on Instagram) showing how he carries his long handle guide net on walk and wade trips. By looping it through the net holding loop at the bottom of his BKCNTRY backpack and also supporting the top with the roll top clips, it makes the net easily accessible when it’s time to scoop up a fish. Happy fishing out there. 

Zipper Cleaners – why, how and when to clean your zippers

We recommend cleaning and lubricating the zippers on waders on a regular basis.  Zipper Cleaner and Lubricant and Zipper Lubricant Stick from Gearaid do the job nicely and will help keep your zippers operating smoothly and performing like they should.  If your zipper is dirty, or isn’t running as smoothly as it once did then pick up one or both of the products mentioned here and fix it up. Happy fishing!

Neoprene Gravel Guards – Why are they tight fitting?

We get asked about the tightness of the neoprene gravel guards on the Primo Zip GD and S14 waders. We designed them to be tight fitting for one main reason – to keep sand and gravel out of your boot. Loose fitting gravel guards can allow sand, silt, and gravel to get up inside the boot, and can get pushed up by heavy current unless securely hooked in place. More about the lace hook below.

But first, let’s talk about the function of gravel guards. In this video I had been wading through a side channel that was full of thick and deep silty sand and mud. With each step I was sinking into the mud, and even though I had been wading in fast current only moments before the gravel guard was still firmly in place where it needed to be to keep the inside of my boots clean and clear of sand, mud and gravel.

Check out this short video for a detailed view of how I use the gravel guards

Tuck it up inside

The functional purpose of a tight gravel guard is that it makes the lace hook somewhat redundant, and in some cases the lace hook may not even need to be used. Fit is going to be different for everyone, depending on wader size and boot size, so this may not apply to everyone. Also, some boots have a lace hook attachment near where the gravel guard sits naturally, and some boots do not. For me, the gravel guards fit tightly enough over the boot that I don’t need to use the lace hook at all. I just tuck it up inside the gravel guard itself. The guard doesn’t move on me, even when wading in the heaviest currents.

Avoid damaging your boots and waders

I like tucking the lace hook up inside the gravel guard (and not attaching it to the boot) because stretching the gravel guard way down towards the toe on a boot, where the hook is located on some boots, can pull and put stress on multiple parts of the wader and on the boot and boot laces. My waders and boots they last longer for me because I don’t do this.

This can happen if the lace hook doesn’t reach easily or comfortably. If it doesn’t reach easily, we don’t use it.

Something to keep in mind is that straight out of the box the neoprene gravel guards may seem tight, but they will loosen up a bit over time and become easier to pull down over your boot. They are designed to keep sand and gravel out of your boots, and will do their job well with or without the lace hook.

Happy fishing!


Wading Belt Safety Tips

For wading safety, we highly recommend wearing a wading belt anytime you are in or around water in fishing waders. Why? Because it may help save your life if you end up falling in the water and swimming.  A tight wading belt will help trap air in the lower part of the waders, and help keep them from filling up with water.  Water is heavy, and waders that are full of water are extremely heavy and cumbersome. Even the strongest person will struggle to pull themselves out of the water with waders full of water. We hope you find this tip helpful. Happy and safe fishing everyone!

How to repair holes in fishing wader neoprene stockingfeet

If you have damage to your neoprene stockingfeet use these tips to find and repair the hole. Neoprene stockingfeet on fishing waders can get punctured by things such as stepping on sharp rocks or gravel or from using worn out boots causing puncures or abrasion. Old worn out boots will damage neoprene stockingfeet when the liner is worn down and sharp edges are exposed. This can lead to damage on the top, toe, or bottom of the stockingfoot. Repairs are fairly easy and will hold up well if done correctly.

What you’ll need:

Step by step instructions for repairing fishing wader neoprene stockingfeet

Find the hole. The first step is to look for differences in the area that seems to be letting water through. If you can see an indentation, or abrasion in the neoprene is a good indication that something is wrong in that spot. A surefire way to test the feet is to turn the waders inside out and fill the feet with water. Usually hanging the waders while doing this is the easiest way to control the flow of water when filling the inside. If there is a hole you’ll see water dripping out of it.

Next step; Fix the hole. Once the waders are dry this can be accomplished simply by rubbing a small amount of Aquaseal or Aquaseal NEO into the hole, making sure to rub it into the hole so that it fills the inside of the hole. We recommend backing the inside with some masking tape or Gearaid Tenacious Tape, and then filling the hole from the outside. Once it’s full and Aquaseal fills the hole apply a thin layer out to about 1/4-1/2″ on all sides of the hole. We like to apply a small piece of Tenacious Tape over the Aquaseal at this point, which will be removed later, to make a clean and smooth exterior to the patch.

Final step; Go fishing!